DECASH — Premium listing on Hotbit + First steps in DeFi

2 min readOct 1, 2020

We are proud to see that all of our efforts as well as the patience and devotion of our community are being rewarded. Indeed, DeCash is growing at an exponential rate. This past month, we set ourselves the goal of capturing a larger adoption. The first part of our adoption plan is comming to an end. So what’s the final part?

We are proud to announce that we are going to get listed on Hotbit, one of the most popular and used platforms in the crypto community. Why Hotbit?

After being listed on CoinTiger to facilitate DeCash purchases (with fiat), we wanted a platform that would popularize our vision and token. We will be listed as premium, which means that we will benefit from an advanced market making as well as the most advanced marketing planning. According to webtraffic as well as external sources, Hotbit is one of the platforms with the highest engagement from its users, so it was a golden opportunity for us to get listed there.

It’s true that listings are the basis of all adoption, however at DeCash we don’t want to blend in, we want to impose ourselves. So what’s the next step?

We will soon make a meteoric entry into DeFi. Thanks to the committed developers, our team and partners, a new utility on DeCash will emerge. We believe that this new feature will increase the intrinsic value of Decash exponentially.

However, as we said, originality is at the center of DeCash. It is thanks to originality that we were the first to create liquidity contracts, precursors of farming which now is generating billions in volume.

Unfortunately at the time we did not have the means to automate these contracts. Now that our team is starting to grow and people see the value of DeCash, we can finally launch an original project in the world of DeFi, which will power DeCash and show the world what we can do. Be ready !

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We will be listed on Monday, October 5th at 9 AM (UTC)

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DeCash is the first cryptocurrency that has an intrinsic value linked to an investment fund.